We’re Here!

Welcome to the official Wilson|Mason website. Neither of us are web gurus, so please bear with us as we navigate our way through the “interwebs”. šŸ˜‰

A little about us: Jennifer Mason is the genius behind the keyboard. Her talented fingers take the notes on sheet music and create something even more beautiful. Me, I’m Allison Wilson, the one who sings. To be perfectly honest, I don’t like listening to myself. Like a painter who can never see his work as “finished” or without flaw, I hear every quaver in my voice. Others say it’s pretty, so judge for yourself. You won’t hurt my feeling (yes, singular) if you don’t like it. šŸ˜€

Jennifer and I met over 15 years ago at a church on the east coast of Florida. We served on the same worship team there for several years before God called us in different directions. While at that church, however, I spoke with her about a secret project I had been mulling over ever since my husband made mention that he would love to have a CD of me singing Christmas carols. We parted ways, yet through social media and mutual friends, not to mention the rare sightings out in public for a quick hug, we kept in touch. Long story shortened, the timing, finances and resources never seemed right until this year. Jennifer was all in once I told her we had a way to record, and we began to practice in August for recording in October to surprise my hubby for his birthday. I expected we’d make a few copies for family and close friends, however, once word got out, we had people from all over our lives saying they wanted a copy. Then it became a question of what does God want to do with this? One might think that was our FIRST question, however, I’m dense sometimes. šŸ˜‰

We prayed about His intentions, and felt led to open it up a bit. We would make a few more copies to be “sold” as funding for one ministry each. Mine is for the Freedom Center at our church which is being built out in order to help bring healing to emotional and spiritual pains which are holding people in bondage. Jennifer felt led to help the Micah 6:8 ministry at her church which ministers to homeless families in our community.

My amazing husband has done all the production of the recordings in his not so spare time. I’m so thrilled with how he’s made us sound! Any flaws are mine. šŸ˜€

The songs we chose were a combination of ones I knew Wonderhubby wanted to hear me sing, and ones which we enjoyed…and all that were on public domain. How God put the order of the songs together was purely Him. He showed me that the songs “we” picked, (let’s face it, He picked them, and we just think we did :-D) told the story of Christ’s birth – from the longing of Israel for their Messiah to the joy the world can know because He lives.

Our prayer throughout this process has been for these songs to bring you into a closer time with the Savior of the world through Jennifer’s playing and my singing. Thank you for inviting us into your lives, and we pray His presence will be felt through each note you hear.

In Christ’s love,


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